Sex Nerd Sandra
WHITE GUILT! Three all-star members of WOCSHN (Women of Color Sexual Health Network) break down what racial justice is and what the heck race has to do with sex. TOPICS: Diverse sex educators, community, black men in swinging, stereotypes, objectification, assumptions based on what people think you are, micro aggressions, sexualization and academia, defining racial justice, invalidating Grace Jones, all lives matter vs black lives matter, not seeing color, "embedded, systematic white supremacy," light skinned privilege, invisible lab coat, fetishization, home ownership, intersections of privilege, anti-racist storytelling, shame & guilt, the spicy Latina, lingerie and toy colors, interracial dating, Pokemon, learning your history, messed up medical studies, internalized self hate and how we step into the world.
Direct download: f0138314-c5f0-416a-8d92-32e72b9ebea9.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:00am PST

ORGY DOME! Anal sex innovator, author and director Tristan Taormino shares hilarious stories and mishaps of over a decade of teaching butt stuff to America. BUT FIRST: Comedian Andy Wood talks their shared observations at the sexy ATTOL Burning Man camp. TOPICS: Acid, panic attack, sex machine doula, The Tristan, man bag of sex toys, how "The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women" came to be, research, prostates & g-spots, Halcyon pink camp, kayak sex, early anal adopter, 2nd edition, butt bondage, secret plugs, a fisting love story, one finger oracle, double-layer lubing, position show-and-tell and an audience Q & A!
Direct download: 90317818-636f-4c21-9acd-c27fc1ab6e8f.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:37pm PST