Sex Nerd Sandra
STRIP CLUB TAXES, FEAR & INNOCENCE! Sandra & Dave answer emails on under & overactive erections. THEN Dr. Marty Klein MFT sheds light on the intersection of Sex and Emotion in the Political Sphere. TOPICS: Sandra's new Meltdown show, Boners, How to Undermine Democracy, Why Folks Stay Quiet, Sexual Expression & the 1st Amendment, Understanding Fear, "Uterus" & Other Dirty Words, Discipline vs Compassion, Oprah, NPR, Penis Straws and What Bachelorette Parties & Celebrities Have in Common!
Direct download: SNS60_Sex_and_Politics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36am PST

SEXUAL SENSES, FUTURE BREEDERS & MAGIC SPERM! Sandra & Dave answer an email on an angled dangle and discuss brand spankin’ new sex conference Catalyst Con! THEN hilarious powerhouse & comedian Maria Falzone shares stories of sex education, vulvas and showerheads. Checkout Maria’s fantastic show at ***Apologies for the audio quality this week, Sex Nerds!
Direct download: SNS59_Sex_Rules_With_Maria_Falzone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am PST

CONTRACEPTION, SPERMICIDE & ENDLESS THEORETICAL WEIGHT GAIN! Oh man! Nurse Practitioner Patty Cason returns to handle the mysteries of keeping the uterus baby-free. But first, Dave harasses Sandra with his sperm. TOPICS: Hand Knit Anatomy, Dave & Sandra Awkwardly Roleplay, Safer Sex vs Contraception, the Pill/Patch/Ring Trifecta, Hormones ‘n’ Stuff, IUCs, Monkeys, Emergency Plans, Implants, Injections, Male Options and Dirty Double Dutching!
Direct download: SNS58_No_Babies_Allowed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am PST

FACE HERPES, TESTY TESTERS & the CANCER VACCINE! Part 1 of 2 Episodes on STD & Contraceptive Basics, veteran Nurse Practitioner Patty Cason lays down the STI knowledge, focusing on HPV, Herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis & the new Gonorrhea Superbug. ALSO: Health Benefits of Sex, Intimate Partner Violence, STD vs STI, vaccines, testing, Prophylactic Doilies, Dental Dams, Hep C, Herpes 1 & 2 the Worst PSA EVER!
Direct download: SNS57_HPV_STIs__TMIs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST