Sex Nerd Sandra
Rejection, Rage and YesAllWomen with Dr. Chris Donaghue and Barbie Davenporte! TRIGGER WARNING! Sandra searches for understanding and insight in the wake of the Isla Vista shootings. Therapist Dr. Chris Donaghue and writer Barbie Davenporte weigh in. TOPICS: Terrorism, Mental Health, Relationality, Chicken or Egg, Fragmentation, Disassociation, Fox News' Homosexual Impulses, Othering, Entitlement, Babies & Puppies, Misogyny, Gender as Social Construct, Universal Needs, Alpha and Beta Males, Healthy Anxiety, #NotAllMen, Compassion & Empathy. THEN: Feminism, Equality for All, More Hashtags, Comic-Con Upskirt Photo, Parking Lots, Gay Bars, Jamaican Street Harassment and Club Humping.

Sex Prep: Body Image with Elle Chase and Elaine! FEELINGS ARE EVERYWHERE! What do we do when we feel repulsed by our own body? Elaine shares her experience with body dysmorphia and sex educator Elle Chase shares tools to find outer peace. TOPICS: Louis C.K., OCD, Dr. Ari Winograd, Cultivating Sources of Beauty, Cellulite, Pubic Hair, Seeking Help, Nerds, Escaping Feelings, Self-Help Pitfalls, Sandra's Bully, Embodied Feelings, Deep-throating. THEN: Can you handle that nothing is wrong with you? Beach Body, Big n Tall Shops, Looking Healthy, Healthy Ways to Compliment Someone, Feeling Good vs Sexy, Relationship Red Flags, Charisma, Sexy vs Sensual, Food Metaphors, Finding Your Sexy, Mirror Masturbation, Feeling Guilty, and FYI No One Cares (what you look like).
Direct download: Sex_Prep__Body_Image_with_Elle_Chase_and_Elaine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm PST

Sex & Comics with Matt Fraction, Dean Trippe, plus Jason Porath!   Sandra explores the Venn diagram of sex & comics with creators Jason Porath (Rejected Princesses), Dean Trippe (Something Terrible) and Matt Fraction (Sex Criminals)! TOPICS: Batman Theory, "Saga," "Y the Last Man," Tina Fey, Joker, Women in Refridgerators, Tropes, "Alias," "Frozen," "Invincible" Spoilers on Issue #110. // Sexual Abuse, Batman, The Multiverse, Dr. Who, Comic-con Stories, The Taxi Driver, Sexual Healing, Robin, Time Travel, Changing Our Narratives. // Alter Egos, James Bond, Chip Zdarsky, "The Fermata," "Out of This World," Billy Wilder, Selling Sex and a new, surprising fan base.
Direct download: Sex_and_Comics_with_Matt_Fraction_Dean_Trippe_plus_Jason_Porath.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42am PST

Picking Your Partner with Elle Chase and Kate Loree, LMFT LOVE AT FIRST SITE & THE SPEED OF ATTRACTION! Sandra searches for the facts on how to choose someone who is right for you. Sex educator Elle Chase shares her current dilemma, while therapist Kate Loree throws down some knowledge on what the person you fall in love with says about YOU! TOPICS: Ego, Ignoring Your Instincts, Life Experience, Storytelling, Dating Site Fails, Young Guys, Courting Process, The List, Valid Feelings, New Relationship Energy, Neurochemicals, Imago Therapy, Falling in Love, Corrective Experience, Emotional IQ, Breakup Pain, The Known vs Unknown, Exhilaration and Finding a Growth-Oriented Partner. P.S. DON'T DATE WHEN YOU'RE LONELY!
Direct download: Picking_Your_Partner_with_Elle_Chase_and_Kate_Loree_LMFT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10pm PST

MORE DRAMA! Comedian Jenn Tisdale, sex educator Twanna Hines and several audience members including science journalist Pere Estupinyà weight in! TOPICS: Jealousy, Security, Giving Up, Monogoamy vs Marriage, OkTwitter, Depression, Swinging Monogamists, "Sexually Social," This American Life, Paradox of Choice, Online Dating, Dying Alone, "Manic Pixie Dream Girl," Codependence, Personal Growth, "Fewer the Merrier," Halo Effect of Monogamy, Social vs Sexual Monogamy, The Science of Falling in Love and THE BEST ACCENT EVER.